Case Studies

Real-world examples driving positive impact for people and planet

Case Studies

9 MAR 2022

Business Intelligence in Blockchain

Almost everyone would have come across the term blockchain somewhere around. Blockchain is gradually being recognized by various government foundations.

4 FEB 2022

Traceability in Livestock Industry

The world was traumatized when the COVID-19 virus broke out. Healthcare systems of various countries including the developed ones went in jeopardy.

31 JAN 2022

What is Traceability?

Why do we need Traceability? Firms and brands are struggling to cope with the rising demand of the customers to ensure traceability.

7 JAN 2022

Blockchain Traceability in other domains.

“The blockchain is going to change everything more than the internet has.” - Brock Pierce (Blockchain Entrepreneur)

29 DEC 2021

Organic Ledger: Food trust through Blockchain & IoT.

“People want to know, quite rightly, where ingredients they give to their baby have come from. We wanted a product in which trust meant something.” — Chris Tyas, Global Head of Supply Chain.

8 DEC 2021

The organic way of living in a post-pandemic world.

With new variants of Covid-19 emerging and signalling the onset of new waves, it is a situation of jeopardy for everyone. Health is our greatest asset and these tough times have taught us right.

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Empowering Organic agriculture through Blockchain Technology while promoting traceability, transparency, and trust.

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