Our Team

Meet the talented individuals behind our success and expertise.

Discover our team

Senior Management

Sunny Vaish

Sunny Vaish

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Prabal Tomar

Prabal Tomar

Co-Founder and Chief Sales Officer

Abhinav G Pandey

Abhinav G Pandey

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer

Nitin Kumar Kamble

Nitin Kumar Kamble

Sr VP Strategy and Growth

Our Esteemed Advisory

Mr Raj A Kapoor

Mr Raj A Kapoor

CEO, India Blockchain Alliance, Blockchain Leader

Vishnuraj Kunjur

Mr. Vishnuraj Kunjur

Agritech expert, IAN Investor

Jatin Srivastava

CA. Jatin Srivastava

Partner of ‘Seth & Associates’

Empowering Organic agriculture through Blockchain Technology while promoting traceability, transparency, and trust.

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